Sunday, November 11, 2007

Print comics: only suitable for Barry Goldwater's corpse

Online comics are so spectacularly successful -- probably more successful monetarily than, say, online-based artists or YouTube stars -- because the vast majority of print comics are so outdated, terrible and lazy. Unconsciously, all of us know this; only heavy childhood conditioning can possibly explain why anyone under the age of 60 still reads print comics. But there's good news: the two web sites below are guaranteed to snap you out of it.

First, the Comic Strip Doctor for in-depth analysis and historical background of the most awful strips, in snarky, vituperative detail. Stopped updating in late August.

Still active, the more bloggish Comics Curmudgeon which wryly rips through particularly offensive recent comics.

After a few hours, you will want to light Brad Anderson on fire. Don't. He's just a symptom, not the pathogen.

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